Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fuzzy Parteh, deadness and arting~!

Fuzzy Parteh~!
went to a party! X'D a 'Welcome' Party that Fuzzi Bear n' his awesome band of Roomie-buds threw for the few of us that have come to live in Melbourne thus far this year! :'D
and OMGGGGGG it was fun! ('D been a while since I have gotten to mix with all new people in a specTACularly awesome house for such events drinking punch that was delicious, wine we bought that was AWESOMELY SHITE, and zillion million trillion jelly-shots! ^____^;

I had fun~! than you somuch guys~! hope there wasn't too much mess to clean up the next morning ^^-; ((especially after I vacuumed~! X'D LOL )) Highlights from that were;
-Box pole-dancing -Dragon winning the 'Not Spewing Inside' competition! ((only chucked outside, so it's still valid! X'S))
-mildly tiddled Poi Spinning
-Orange demonstrating some SERIOUS contact-juggling skillz~!

8'CCCC For some reason also got quite angry within a random graise that I got @ the party. ((musta been all that sliding down the stairs on the cardboard box~ ^^; hurphurp))

So for a good week there, and still in it's ANGRY waning stages now, I had quite the infected scabbing fury welling up on my left foot. 8'[ Got to a point where I was quite un-able to walk on it or put it in a shoe from swelling would you believe! o___o crazy!

Fridge d00m
We continue to have a non-working fridge since we bought our white-goods some time ago from this dodge-ass 2nd hand place.
I am starting to think the guy there is jerking us around when he doesn't return my calls, show up at all when he said a mechanic would and gets shirty with me for pressing the issue of 'hey, we haven't had a working fridge for about 2weeks now'....... >|'[

patience are wearing thin.

The reason I am poor for eternity~

Gaining a new Victorian car license & car registry are going to whack another $600+ from my poor un-employed pocket in early April.. yaaaaai~! \|'S
Apparently Victoria is the most expensive state to own a car in according to the very nice staff rep I chatted to on the phone, who also thanked me greatly for the additional 15$ transferring fee to have my car even looked at~~ @_____@; *gurgle*

Turm tells me I should just 'not drive it' but it'll still have to be registered in case of emergencies~ |'3 thanx for the thought thou, lol

Drawing, however, iz GREAT! ^______^;

Super loving the 'work from home' gig that's supporting rent n' groceries each week through commissioning! :'3
The regular drawing and re-discovery of some good pencils that I own, and how they TOTALLY LIFT that otherwise 'bleh' marker-work has been inspiring and I'm loving getting to finally fill that gap that was rather lacking in last year routine~ :'3

Please feel free to contact me via DA, FA or email regarding commission work, helps me keep the bois & cat fed! ^___^;

And must apologise to those still waiting on Pixel Avatars, ^^; I get to a certain point with them and get stumped/slow every time~~ Promise it wont be too long though~!

Colour Change~!

Also dyed my hair back REFREASHINGLY BRIGHT ((bleeeechk natural colourz!)) just the other day when we toddled up to the Victoria Markets, MYYYYYYY GAWD THE AMOUNT OF CHEAP FUDE THAT PLACE DISPENSES.. O_O and they hold this every Friday?? *faints* soooo much meeeeeeeeeat~~ <3<3
Am now able to search for jobs once more too, now I 'look' the proper part~ :'3 Which I will be considering more heavily with each mounting expense that crops up ^^-;


Velcro, Turms lil' pet Gecko, shed her dermis some short while ago. 8'S
She got all pale and strange looking one night, worried Turm until it pealed back leaving her with the cute little nature-made turtle-neck sweater. ^^;
The wiki we immediately looked up said that it could take anywhere between a few hours and a day to fully come loose and they lizard commonly eat it once it is shed.

We never saw another the next stage, only Velcro smacking her tiny scalie lips and with an all bright and shiny-new skin. Her grip improved quite a lot after that too, guess geckos shed for a reason ^^-;

The oddness was the next day when I woke up from having a dream about Velcro vomit-y-regurgitating her shell back up, sticky but in perfect condition only flat and eye-less, and Turm took it from her saying 'awwwwwwwh, guess that didn't agree with you now, huh sweetie' *kisses her head* ................. @~@;


ACTfurh on the horizen

Still in pre-production getting the last nuts n bolts f the site sussed out, ACtfur doesn't look like it will be ready for Season 3 Launch in March as first planned, but it iz not too far off now~
thanx for the patience on that guys~! ^____^;

And in lighter closing news;

ah made a MASSIVE cauldron of soup yesterday! |'D
Kraden and Wendy seemed to enjoy it, and it turn out MUCH better being given the whole day to stew, instead of me rushing it just WANTING for it's deliciousness to be rightnow. X'S

I should put up a recipe for it perhaps~ :'3 any like thick winter-soups?

Orrighty~! well this entry has been overdue and OVER-long for this posting~! X'D
so til' next round, ART, LOVE and PROSPER~! <3


Weekend after next holds:

-Cassu coming up on the tail-end of her trip to a further stage in iinets 'Top Geek' comp!
-Supanova is on in Melbourne ((which we should prolllllllly book for ^^; ))
-Rotae is up for a Wil Anderson performance on that Satuday~! :"D

1 comment:

  1. Bah, Vic trumps NSW. Costs $900 for rego, ctp and pink-slip per year hear in da nsw.
    Then, if you have a leisure vehicle like a 4wd that you only use offroad or motorbike whatever, you have to pay FULL amount. even though your not driving it on the road. and if you get busted up in the bush on your moty by the dirtbike coppas, and you dont have full reg, you get smashed with unregestered and uninsured. WHEN YOUR NOT EVEN ON A ROAD.
    In vic they have permits for off-road only vehicles. Its only like $50
    NSW can lick mai BALLZ. XU
