This place is pretty much a house now, covered with obscure graphic novels, video games across to many platforms and OS', robots and plushie crocs are everywhere and there are constant games of 'chase the cat and get her back inside' so that's okay. Btw here is a tonne of photos of our initial settling mission
PART I: psuedoHOBO
...I've mostly been playing Streets of Rage 2 (my second most favortie game of all time since I was a kid ) and Bare Knuckle III ( I got both endings! That's something? Right? ) oh and I've been applying for jorbs which can been amazingly depressing ( there is a job opening as a cleaner at a butcher! Yayyyy ) but thems be the breaks.
As far as art work/comic stuff goes usual I've got a whole ton of storylines buzzing through my head so I'm kinda deciding on which project to work on, although with Wendy as frequent company our ancient 'not-made-it-past-sketches-in-4-years' collaboration story 'Clanz' ( a frozen world anthros with mecha somesuch ) is looking to maybe happen! Possibly! also I've got another bit of work with Aurealis which is nifty : D
In my wonderings around the city so far I've probably spent the most time wandering up and down Chapel street which is one of the more awesome streets that isn't right in the CBD. Its this totally rad two storey comic/pop-culture/whatever shop called 'Alternate Worlds' which I nabbed the totally awesomely obscure 'Kikider Code 02 ( vol.2...I need to ebay for vol.1 ) A newish manga adaptation of a Japanese super hero show by the same guy who did Kamen Rider, it's a gaudy yet dark existential cyberpunk somesuch.
Kraden asked me what it was about and it went something like:
Kraden: So what is this thing you're reading? Is it good?
Turm: I like it! But that doesn't mean necessarily it's 'good'
Kraden: what's it about?
Turm: basically, it's robot guys going 'What is life? Am I alive? What does it mean to be alive INTESTINES INTESTINES! BLEGGH!
PART II : Vanishing Tabatha
Two irritating and one neat thing happened the day after we moved into our place here in Melbourne land.
Tabbies reaction to our bare-bones house was to hide in the huge pile of cardboard that was Kraden's moving in boxes. Later on the next day tabby was gone 'Gah, that damn cat, she's really good at hide and seek' was Eka's self reassuring repeating quote until about and hour and a half past and she started to really get worked up and worried, after turning the house upside down and discovering a hole in the wall behind the lower kitchen shelves and getting worked up about tabby being stuck in the drywall ( turns out the hole didn't go that far but we plugged it up anyhow ) Eka and Kraden started looking around outside, canvassing the area, talking to neighbours and generally acting like someone who has just lost their pet. After looking around outside a bit my self ( I'll write more about that in the next bit ) I waited in side while Eka and Kraden ran about the area. Now if you know Kraden and Eka you will know that they are two of the nosiest people ever and combined they are extra super noisy. With those two gone and the radio off a tangible silence crept over the house. I crouched next to the spot where the hole was and next to the oven was a gap in the wall that seemed to lead under our flats floorboards. I sat there and made cat calling noises and then;
Turm: chht chhhht chht, here cat...come'on you fuzzy bastard, wooooooo, wooooooooo...(clicks fingers)
Noise *shuffle shuffle*
Turm: what! You...woooooo...wooooo
Noise *shuffle...* ….Purr puuur purrr purrr
Turm: you little bastard!
( Kraden get's back to the house )
Turm : she's over here
Kraden: what really?
Turm: I think she's behind the oven, wanna help me pull it out
Kraden: uh, oh, that might mess up our gas pipe
Turm: whould that be bad?
Kraden: ( looks me in the eye)
Turm: yeah okay, well what choice do we have?
Kraden knelt down and it turns out there is a panel at the base of the oven, he pulled it off by accident and ta-da, there was the little bastard, we got in touch with eka and summoned her back, I stood in our lounge facing the huge windows that looked out to the rest of the complex, Tabby curled up and purring like a huge bastard that she is...until Eka rounded the corner, fists clenched and teeth gritted, and which point tabby started to panic and squirm...she's a conniving brat, she knew exactly what she was doing the whole time and knew that Eka would be pissed off X'D
Otherwise she's settled in pretty nicely since then.
Ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted a reptile pet, it may have had something to do with the whole Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fad, but anyhow I found a totally sweet pet shop that has Axolotls, Blue Tongue Skinks, Bearded Dragons and Water Dragons giant Praying Mantis/Stick Insects and 'jumbo' Hermit Crabs!
I'm sorta treating the place like a zoo until I can get mah self a Victorian herpetology licence and a Beardie. In the mean time however ( as Eka mentioned in her last post ) I got myself a Gecko, here is the story:
On the second day after we moved in Tabby disappeared ( I think Eka can do the details of that story ) and in one of this debacle's sub-plots I decided to scoot around the house to to see If I could find her, around the back of our complex is a bunch of tiny crawl spots that lead under the building, out of curiosity I lifted up some of the junk that was blocking one of the gaps ( probably to keep the numerous cats of the building out from under there ) and there was a little gecko upside down on the gaps frame, I went to touch it and it flopped to the ground and ran away. I checked this spot pretty much every day for a week to see if the gecko would return but I never spotted it. Later, Tabby managed to escape again and she stole into the one hole that wasn't junked up and hid under the complex for a good hour or so. After I managed to get her out and after she was back in Eka's care I went about blocking the gap like the others, and as I did one of the bits of junk I was using to prop up the board I found was a little gecko! I dropped what I as doing and grabbed it.
After a tiny bit of research I found that it was a 'Marbled Gecko', probably a female and named her 'Velcro' because of her crazy sticky feet, I kept her in a tiny plastic cheese container with some holes punched temporarily until I found a much bigger bit of tupperware and made a customised lid ( out of cardboard and a bit of old screen-door that I found outside ) and I was super happy forever!
two days later, she was gone, I had only attached the lid with some rubber-bands and she must have squeezed out of the gap. Two days later, heartbroken and full of guilt at the prospect of giving Tabby a potential lizard snack I sobbed pathetic tears for the tiny lost lizard,
Eka: Awww, don't worry, I bet she's still under the bed or something
Turm: SQUISHED!? And it's all MY FAULLLLT! UUUuuuuuuughhhh
Eka: Hmm I don't think so, just got a feeling yanno.. keep checking around our room over the next few days
So in a fit of...something, I trashed the whole room looking for her.
Nothing, I rubbed by eyes and just as I was about to leave the room I looked up, and there she was, stuck to the ceiling.
Eka: So...I thought you said you'd let her go because you felt so terrible and she's basically earned her freedom
Turm: ...but...but....but........ *SAAAAADFACE*
Eka: *rolls eyes* ...Fine, I guess you can keep her then
Turm: YAY!
Soon afterwards I modified the tupperware some more, this time cutting a rectangular hole in the original clip-on lid and using packing tape to secure a screen-mesh to it's underside, also filled it with a thick layer of dirt ( I even have some grass growing in It that I've kept alive ) and some rocks and sticks for her to hide under and climb on. So far that's been working pretty well, at the moment I'm catching little crickets and moths and spiders to feed her and she seems pretty healthy, she also likes to crawl up my arms, up my neck and play in my hair.
She's the best Gecko ever.
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