Monday, April 18, 2011

GURFGHGh, Hulloh peeps what read this,

Well at the moment I've got my self stuck in an awesome swirl of super crazy Getter Robo binge which has been super fun.

At the same time there is some a bitter sweet flavour going about the stuff I'm into recently, earlier this year a super rad artist by the name of Clément Sauvé passed away, he did the awesomely fresh designs for Army of Two 40th Day ( I seriously would not have bought two copies of the PSP game if it weren't for the stylishly exaggerated designs ) and one of his last project was the character design work for the new G.I Joe show 'Renegades' which I've been watching a lot of.

I've never really dug G.I Joe that much although I've always liked the Cobra designs, the idea of an overly non-violent military show always felt a bit weird to me, even as an oblivious kid, but this new show is pretty rad, it's got it's flaws and it still feel a bit like an ad for the army at times but it's got a neat flow and is pretty well written and Clément's legacy on the show are the designs which add a whole fresh new take on the characters and gives the show a very distinctive look and feel. It's totally worth checking out.

( although some hard-core G.I Joe fans are on the fence about it...dammit is there any show/book/song/game/type of wood that doesn't have an overly clingy fan base?)

In completely non related news the fourth member of our household, Eka's cat tabby has had some serious dental work, and it costed a bundle too : < but at least her mouth isn't black any more!

